Daniel, portrayed by Young and the Restless veteran Michael Graziadei, isn’t Danny’s biological child. But the duo is quite tight with each other, be it on-screen or off the soap. Graziadei recently chatted with Soap Hub about his bond with Michael Damian (Danny). The duo recently hit the 20-year mark. Read on to know all about it!
The Young and the Restless: Michael LOVES Michael!
Graziadei said, “Michael was one of the first people I got to work with and spend a lot of time with.” Viewers of the Young and the Restless might recall teen Daniel returned to Genoa City in 2004. He began exploring his early origins and discovering what went down with his parents. Daniel wanted to know why Danny had custody of him and not his mother, Phyllis.
Michael went on, “He was always gracious and patient. How could I not fall in love with him for that?” We know that Danny didn’t stick around for the long term after Y&R brought Daniel back onto the canvas. Nevertheless, the TV father and son stayed in touch with Michael, saying, “It’s been so good to have him back.”
Additionally, Graziadei admitted to texting Damian as if he were his real son and if Damian were his real father. “We’ve got a pretty fantastic relationship,” Michael added. It’s quite ironic that Daniel takes more after Danny despite them not having a biological connection. On the contrary, he is less like his bombastic mom.
Graziadei explains, “I think that’s because I was sent away to boarding school. [Danny] took it upon himself to raise me.” Recently, the official Instagram account of Y&R posted the current picture of Michael. And for a delightful trip down memory lane, they paired it with a throwback snap. It showered how Michael looked when he first graced the show.
His The Young and the Restless co-star Conner Floyd commented about Graziadei’s locks. He exclaimed, “Bring back the hair!” The dashing star responded with a laughing tears emoji. Mad Props to Michael for hitting the 20-year mark with Y&R. Here’s to many more years of him entertaining us! Meanwhile, stay glued to Soap Opera Daily for more juicy updates on The Young and the Restless celebs!
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