How Did Kristina Get Pregnant  In General Hospital?


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Green Star

Kristina Corinthos-Davis was approached by her sister, Molly Lansing-Davis, and her partner, TJ Ashford, to become a surrogate after their initial surrogate tragically miscarried.


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Despite initial hesitations, Kristina agreed to help her sister and TJ by carrying their baby, reflecting the strong bond and trust between the sisters​ .


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Kristina underwent a medical procedure to implant the embryo created from Molly's egg and TJ's sperm, officially becoming pregnant with their baby.


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The pregnancy brought mixed reactions within the family. While her father, Sonny Corinthos, showed support, Kristina’s mother, Alexis, had reservations due to Kristina's history of impulsive decisions.


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The storyline highlighted potential health risks, with Molly expressing concerns about Kristina’s well-being and the possibility of complications during pregnancy.


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As the pregnancy progressed, Kristina faced emotional challenges, including developing maternal feelings towards the baby, which led to tension between her and Molly.


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Molly insisted on legal paperwork to ensure Kristina would relinquish all parental rights, leading to conflict and feelings of betrayal from Kristina.


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Kristina faces a critical situation as she undergoes an urgent c-section. The outcome for her and the baby remains uncertain, with upcoming episodes promising to reveal all answers.


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