Sue Cleaver, the iconic actress behind the beloved Eileen Grimshaw on Coronation Street, has finally revealed the real reason behind her shocking departure from the cobbles. After delivering extraordinary performances for over two decades, her exit has left fans reeling. The popular soap actor has now set the record straight about her sudden departure. Keep scrolling to know more!
Coronation Street Star Talks About Her Departure!
Coronation Street legendary actor, Sue Cleaver announced her exit from cobbles last week after being with us 25 big years. A little birdie tells us that the beloved star has also already begun filming her final scenes and we are all in for a treat. While speaking on Loose Women, Cleaver said that she wants to “embrace change, look for new adventures, and live fearlessly.”
The 61-year-old actor plans to still stay connected to the ITV soap due to her relationship with it over the years. She shared, ‘I’ve got a lot of friends there that I will still have a connection to it.’ The talented actress also highlights her husband, Brian Owen, is the lighting guy, so she isn’t going very far from the show. But it surely is emotional for her. She further opened up on her exit and suggested that she wants to focus on her career.
Cleaver added, “I’m now 61, and I feel I’m now at a stage in my life. Like most mums we have responsibilities, we have other things we have to consider [and] we’re bringing up our families.’ It looks like the ITV soap star wants this decade to be about her. She also wants to empower other women in the process. She also admitted that there had “been moments of fear about stepping outside your comfort zone,” but she got through them.A
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She also predicted that her farewell from the longest-running show would be ‘emotional’ and ‘hard.’ But Sue would always have a connection to it. This news comes after several other Corrie stars decided to leave cobbles as a new producer takes over. For more such updates on Coronation Street, keep following Soap Opera Daily! Will you miss Eileen? Tell us in the comments below.