A beloved Coronation Street star is set to welcome a familiar face from the legendary soap, Brookside. Suzzane Collins, who famously portrayed Nikki Shadwick on Channel 4 soap, has filmed her scenes secretly on the ITV soap. In the upcoming, we will see her in a prominent guest role that will garner a lot of attention.
Suzzane To Be Seen In A Major Role
The viewers will soon see her as a nursery worker in one of the major scenes of Abi Webster where we will see her hallucinating her dead son, Seb. Collins, now 62, has already won over her audience during her appearance in Brookside, from 1996 to 2003. Since then, she has made several presences on-screen and now, she will be seen in a critical role.
Meanwhile, sources also revealed how Corrie bosses have signed up an EastEnders star in a guest role. Actor Samuel Jones has been cast as the head of the prosecution against Lauren—who is charged with murdering Joel. We are now seeing Samuel play Steven Poyser during the dramatic courtroom scenes. A source said: “Samuel will appear on screen for a number of episodes in a guest role as Lauren’s fate is finally revealed.”
Smith’s Emotional Exit
There’s one more casting news for Colson Smith, who is set to exit the Dales from his role as Craig Tinker. However, while expressing his gratitude, he revealed one of the major incidents. The actor received a heartfelt call from Corrie legend Barbara Knox, aka Rita Tanner. The surprise gesture left Smith stunned when she called him and wished him good luck for the future.
The actor confirmed his exit on Instagram and expressed saying, “Autumn last year I was told that Craig Tinker’s time on the Cobbles is to come to end in 2025. I feel incredibly lucky to have grown up in, on and around the soap. For me, this is the end of the beginning.” Stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily to stay updated with all Coronation Street news.