Coronation Street actor David Neilson, best known for his iconic role as Roy Cropper, faced an unexpected ordeal when security at the show’s Manchester set failed to recognise him. Despite his desperate pleas, the 75-year-old actor was barred from entering the premises. This comes amidst Roy’s dramatic year, including wrongful imprisonment and health crises. Continue reading to know the full scoop!
David Neilson Mistaken For Imposter
David Neilson (Roy Cropper) had a surprising problem when he arrived at the Manchester set. Despite being a TV legend, the security staff didn’t recognise the 75-year-old actor and wouldn’t let him in. He had to insist that he was the famous Roy Cropper repeatedly.
David announced his presence by pressing a buzzer and stating he was on the show. As David paused at the black gates of the site, a fan approached him and requested an autograph. The actor obliged and, while signing, questioned the staff, “Why do you think I’m standing here signing these? Why do you think?”
Let us tell you that the actor’s character has been at the forefront this year. After being wrongly imprisoned for the murder of Lauren Bolton, he had to stay in Weatherfield jail. To make matters worse, he had to face the dangerous far-right extremist Griff Reynolds.
Also, Roy collapsed in his cell and had to be rushed to the hospital. Finally, after the police arrested Nathan Curtis, Roy was released. But he was still traumatised and spent most of his time in his flat. However, when Shona said she was sick, he decided to go out and bring her some homemade soup.
Unfortunately, on his way, a group of troublemakers started bullying him, and he fell to the ground. Thankfully, Carla came to his rescue and called an ambulance. But will he ever get over this trauma? Let us see! Till then, for more updates on Coronation Street, keep checking Soap Opera Daily! Also, with so many challenges facing both on and off-screen, it’s clear that the star’s journey is far from over.